Wednesday, August 13, 2014

What Husbands Love the Most

Jeff splits his teams up into mini teams and then they get to earn points. One of the ways they earn points is serving. This activity always falls during Pirate and Princess camp. And the last couple of years a team of players comes to my classroom and helps to load and unload pirate/princess supplies. It's immensely helpful to me! What takes Samantha and I an hour and a half, 5 of them can do in 15 minutes. 
This year, a cute group of 5 boys came. After they were done, they were hanging out with me in the classroom for a bit helping me set up cardboard princesses. I jokingly said, "Well, I'll be here next week. Same time, same place, if you wanna come help me pack up all this stuff." 
He was just so adamant about it. It was really sweet.