I was so excited when they announced the open house for the new Ogden Temple. I couldn't wait to take my kids. Sadly Jeff was in full blown soccer mode, so he couldn't come with us. But the happy news is that Grandma Atkinson could!!
I knew it would be a long day for Miss Syd, so we left her with cousin Eryn. We missed her and daddy-o so much. But it was still such a special day.
I knew my kids would be excited, but I was a little surprised at how excited Seth was. He was almost in tears when I told him he would get to go into the temple. And he told me it was a dream come true.
We love to see the temple!
Seth: "I remember the baptism font with the bulls under it, holding it. The temple was so beautiful. It made me feel the spirit inside my heart giving me a good feeling."
Landon: "I remember how you (mom) kept saying the temple was so sacred. I loved the pictures. My favorite picture was Jesus meeting with John the Baptist. Another one of my favorite pictures was a little girl kneeling down praying. The chandeliers were like golden jewels, they were very pretty. I also liked the alter where the boy kneels on one side and the girl kneels on the other. When I went into the temple I felt like this was a true house of God."
Tim: "I liked how everything was so detailed, even down to the smallest thing, like door knobs. And how they had the pictures that would go with what room it was My favorite room was the room with the mirrors across from each other because it stands for being with your family forever. I also had a really really happy feeling when I walked to the temple. And it left when I left the temple. I liked how clean it was."
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