Saturday, August 15, 2015

Two stories and how they blend together...

Story 1
Sydney loves it when I talk to her about the temple--which I love of course!! She has a picture right above her bed of the bountiful temple and she points to it and likes it when I tell her how mommy and daddy got married there. Then I sing to her "I love to see the temple". It's her favorite. 

Story 2
Sydney loves Logan Conover. She loves him. He was her matey at pirate camp and her prince at princess camp. And... She. Loves. Him. She signs "boy" and she signs "friend" when she is talking about Logan... I realize that she isn't actually calling him her boyfriend. It's just kind of cute and funny that he is a boy and her friend so that's what she calls him.

The Blend
Tonight at bedtime I pointed to her temple picture and asked her if I should sing her the temple song. She smiled and nodded and then before I could start she signed "boy" "friend". And I said, "Logan?" She nodded and pointed to herself. Then she made kissy lips. I said, "You and Logan kiss?" She nodded and pointed to the temple. Oh, goodness. She's 4 and she was telling me she and Logan are going to get married in the temple. 
So, with that message all translated and squared away I started to sing to her. She stopped me half way through pointing to herself. (She loves stories about herself.) So, I started making up words.... "When Sydney goes to the temple..." It was all pretty innocent until she started signing "boy" and "friend". That silly girl wanted me to change the words to... basically... Sydney and Logan sitt'n in a tree...

Her first crush. It's pretty cute... I'm not sure how cute it'll be at 13.


Samantha said...

I. LOVE. THIS. So dang cute!! Logan LOVES his Sydney!