Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Sydney's package

I realize I am partial, but Sydney is one of the sweetest girl's I know. We went school shopping the other day and she found this baby alive doll. Usually--like 99.9% of the time I can say, "Oh, maybe Santa will bring it" and it totally makes her happy and fine and she puts whatever she is thinking she needs back on the shelf.

Well, she would not put this doll back. She was very insistent on getting the doll. Finally I told her she could use her birthday money. We got home, I handed her her birthday money from the cupboard and asked her to pay me. Haha. So, she handed it right back and I gave her the doll. We opened it. She was super excited.

The next thing I know, she's coloring a cardboard box. She was happy, I didn't mind. She colored and  colored on it. And then she told me she was sending it to Tanessa. She wrote her a letter too. 

Later that night I realized her new doll was inside the box. But when I tried to take her out she freaked out on me! No no! It's for Tanessa. Days went by. The doll is still in the box. She is still very insistent she bought it for Tanessa. So, apparently we need to get to the post office. 

Oh yes! And she attempted to tape it close. :)


Kristi said...

Love that girl she is so kind!