Tuesday, April 21, 2015

How to get a boy who is in love with his hair to FINALLY cut it...

You can offer him gifts... money...
Yeah, the bribes didn't work...
His dad could tease him until the day is long...
Yeah, didn't work...
His mom french braided his hair...
Nope, didn't work...

But then one day, he missed school for a doctor's appointment, in English they separated into groups of 3 and handed out parts for Romeo and Juliet. 
Tim was missing, but was still put into a group with two of his buddies. One buddy (Collin, I think--{thank you Collin!!!}) texted Tim to tell him this. He told him since he was gone, he was given the part of Juliet.
Tim said, "What?! I'm not a girl."
But neither is Collin or Trevor...
So, Tim asked, "Is it the hair?"
And Collin replied, "Probably."
He asked for a haircut that night. :)


And the remains...
I don't think either of these pictures shows really how much hair I cut off that boys head. His hair was so long, but Tim also has extremely thick and full hair. It was not an easy task, but I can see his beautiful face now and that makes me happy.


Kristi said...

Way to go Tim!